
E-Book Page

Thank you for taking our survey. To show our appreciation, we are offering you a free e-book of one of our bestsellers. We had direct download links on this page but they seemed to malfunction, so now we are taking a more direct approach. Below is a listing of three (one from each agenda) e-books.

a. BK Currents: The e-book of David Korten's "Agenda for a New Economy"

b. BK Life: The e-book of John Izzo's "The Five Secrets You Must Discover Before You Die."

c. BK Business: The e-book of Janelle Barlow's "A Complaint is a Gift."

Please select a title and email the executive managing editor, Jeevan Sivasubramaniam, at jsiva@bkpub.com and let him know which title you would like. Jeevan will email you back within 24 hours (max) with the e-book you requested as an attachment.

Apologies for the confusion...Thank you!



vmcbret said...

what a bummer the links don't work!!!

Jean Bartunek said...

I tried to download "a complaint is a gift", but was given the message that the page wasn't available.

RDC said...

The links still don't work

Jeff Hutner said...

please fix asap and let us know when we can download our free book...thx.j.

Unknown said...

I could not download a book either. Think you need to check your links. (Is that anything like having a screw loose?)

Unknown said...

I attempted to download the book but received a message that the page wasn't available. Please notify me when the free e-book is available.

paintandink said...

The link for "Five Secrets" doesn't work either, BUT I was able to download the book by copying the link:

and cutting it down to this:


So it might work for the other books, too.

Walker said...

Allow me to give you this gift then, a complaint that the free book download got nowhere. You really should test this stuff before rolling it out.

Gabriel S-J. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gabriel S-J. said...

Page not found
Sorry, the page you were looking for in the blog BK Media does not exist.

Please, fix the problem

krow said...

still not working. let me know when it's fixed! thanks.

Unknown said...

Guess what? Links don't work. -:)

CV said...

On a meta level, there is something very ironic/funny about these comments, in light of the book titles: subtitles
1. A Complaint is a Gift: And here are several
2. Agenda for a new economy: Relationship marketing is #1, and hard
3. 5 Secrets you must discover before you die: From "link magic" to test-before-you-launch
< grin >

Unknown said...

paintandink has it right. I got my e-book!

Kristine said...

Hi all ~ It works if you try what PaintandInk did - shortening the link like this:

Jeanette said...

Thanks for the download. If you add df to the end of the


Unknown said...

The link for "The Five Secrets..." is simply missing ".pdf" at the end. With this correction, all the links were working at 10:37 am PDT, though they are slow.

phxwrtr said...

Call me old-fashioned, but I prefer to email Jeevan....gives me a chance to say "HI!!!!" :)

Brian said...

Paint and Ink has it right.

Copy the link and parse it.

Walker said...

Cyndi, you're old-fashioned.

Brian, for every person willing to engage in combat with the technology to get the promised ebook there are scores who will simply be annoyed and go away with a bad feeling about BK. The only people who should have to be figuring out how to tickle the machines to make them do their tricks right are BK staffers.

BK said...

Sorry for the link snafus, guys...looks like server overload. if you email me at jsiva@bkpub.com I will send your ebook to you personally...with my apologies!

BK said...

Dear all - so sorry, but the traffic to servers caused crashes and problems -- very sorry about this. if you email me your book choice at jsiva@bkpub.com I will make sure you get your ebook in a matter of hours (yes, I said hours). Sorry!

acerin said...

Oh, what kond of joke it is? Can't download a book!